We want to make sure that you and your team are prepared for judging and have a great chance to earn the top prizes and the college scholarships. Here are the guidelines so you know exactly what the judges are looking for on your website.
We recommend the following navigation on your site so that nothing gets overlooked by the judges. Remember, this website is also creating a sustainable digital footprint of your project and showcases the accomplishments of your team, even beyond the GBLA program.
In the Navigation Menu of your site, please have a page called: Project Plan (you can update this from what was your Project Proposal) - then have the following Subpages OR Headings on that one page. All headings should be obvious. Even if it is a Google Document linked on this page - it should still have the following headings clearly identified.
(Guiding Questions for each item are here)
MISSION STATEMENT (Explain the project concisely)
Guiding Questions:
PROJECT NEED (why was this project selected?)
Guiding Questions:
How did the team conduct their work throughout the year?
What are your team’s top achievements from the GBLA project? What evidence have you collected to share (use of data)?
Media and Images
Think back on the direction your project took over the course of the year. What was surprising, or what would you have done differently if you had to do it all over again? Is there anything else that you want to share with judges?
FINAL BUDGET - How did you end up using your funds?
You can make a copy of this template to use for your final budget.
MISSION STATEMENT introduced the project and the team clearly. (1-4 points)
PROJECT NEED was identified through research and evidence and aligned to the stated impact area. (1-6 points)
PROCESS: The team used their time well and explained the process for how, where and when they met.(1-4 points)
OUTCOMES describe clear benefits that are aligned with the need and impact area. (1-6 points)
EVIDENCE of projects is clear and descriptive. (1-6 points)
BUDGET is aligned with the project description, and demonstrates an effective use of funds. (1-4 points)
SOCIAL MEDIA was used effectively to promote the team, the project and the message. (1-4 points)
We recommend the following navigation on your site so that nothing gets overlooked by the judges. Remember, this website is also creating a sustainable digital footprint of your project and showcases the accomplishments of your team, even beyond the GBLA program.
In the Navigation Menu of your site, please have a page called: Project Plan (you can update this from what was your Project Proposal) - then have the following Subpages OR Headings on that one page. All headings should be obvious. Even if it is a Google Document linked on this page - it should still have the following headings clearly identified.
(Guiding Questions for each item are here)
- Media and Images (This can connect to evidence!)
- Images from events/meetings/planning/brainstorming/Orientation Challenge
- Images of your advertising
- RSS Feed of Twitter/Instagram Feeds
- Video of your team
- Video/ PowerPoint with an explanation of your project
- About - brief description of project and team (this can connect to process!)
- Team bios - add roles each student took on for this project
- About the School/Community - connect to why the need of this project
- PROJECT PRESENTATION: (for bonus points) please put up a presentation that describes your project. This is similar to the oral presentation you will give at the Expo. This way you have a lasting presentation to continue to share your initiatives and effort.
MISSION STATEMENT (Explain the project concisely)
Guiding Questions:
- Who you are, what you are doing, why you are needed?
- The mission statement should be short and to the point - think quick pitch: How would you introduce your project and your team to a partner or funder? Be concise and have fun!
PROJECT NEED (why was this project selected?)
Guiding Questions:
- What problem did your team solve/address?
- How is this need aligned with your impact area?
- What research did you do to find out what has come before or already exists?
- How did you identify the problem that you wanted to solve?
- What evidence (observational data, test scores, or research) did you use to identify this issue?
How did the team conduct their work throughout the year?
- Guiding Questions:
- Please explain how, where, and when did you do the project
- To Consider:
- Consider also the time for advertisement and follow up including documenting the process and updating your website and social media.
- Mention your meetings, your recruitment, your events, your programming
What are your team’s top achievements from the GBLA project? What evidence have you collected to share (use of data)?
- Guiding Questions:
- What are the short term outcomes (qualitative and quantitative) to affect change in the community or with the students?
- E.g., served 100 students at wellness fair; engaged 500 families in community event; provided 70 wellness kits to middle school girls; etc.
- What will be in the long term outcomes to the community?
- What are the short term outcomes (qualitative and quantitative) to affect change in the community or with the students?
- To Consider:
- The outcomes describe clear benefits that are aligned with the need and impact area.
Media and Images
- Images from events/meetings/planning/brainstorming/Orientation Challenge
- Images of your advertising
- RSS Feed of Twitter/Instagram Feeds
- Video of your team
- Video/ PowerPoint with an explanation of your project
- Number of students who have attended programs
- Number of events
- Trips taken as a team
- Partner organizations
- mentors or supporters engaged
- Surveys measuring student responses
- Quotes from participants
- Stories and reactions
- Observational data
Think back on the direction your project took over the course of the year. What was surprising, or what would you have done differently if you had to do it all over again? Is there anything else that you want to share with judges?
FINAL BUDGET - How did you end up using your funds?
You can make a copy of this template to use for your final budget.
MISSION STATEMENT introduced the project and the team clearly. (1-4 points)
PROJECT NEED was identified through research and evidence and aligned to the stated impact area. (1-6 points)
PROCESS: The team used their time well and explained the process for how, where and when they met.(1-4 points)
OUTCOMES describe clear benefits that are aligned with the need and impact area. (1-6 points)
EVIDENCE of projects is clear and descriptive. (1-6 points)
BUDGET is aligned with the project description, and demonstrates an effective use of funds. (1-4 points)
SOCIAL MEDIA was used effectively to promote the team, the project and the message. (1-4 points)