Our Reach
Master Teams
In an effort to foster sustainability and community within Girls Build, we have identified five teams that will be showcasing their expertise, learnings, and tips on various topics throughout the school year through a series of videos and newsletters. We're calling them "Master Teams". Topics include: fundraising, member retention, social media, project management, and more.
Change Agents
Chicas Verdes
VAPA Girls Build Mindfully
Vote for Change
This a dynamic, brilliant team of females from Boyle Heights STEM Magnet HS wants to empower the community to a healthier lifestyle while keeping their Latino culture robust and our Earth green.
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We are the Change Agents of Compton Early College High School. We are a student organization aimed at inspiring girls to develop into change agents while engaging in community service and active leadership. Our goal is to empower girls, our peers, and our community, in order to effect positive change. Our vision is to transform Compton Early College High School youth into wholistic individuals who participate and share their strong voices within the city.
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Our mission is to reduce negative impact that food deserts create in our community by providing and empowering students and families with healthier food options, knowledge, and guidance to make long lasting healthier choices.
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We are energetic and passionate girls who are on a mission to make a difference in our school and community by bringing programs and projects that promote peace, mindfulness, compassion, empathy, and social justice to our campus.
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We are the Culver City girls build team, and our goal is to increase voter registration, voter education, and the importance of voting. We believe this is a worthy cause because the youths are the future and it is our responsibility to be informed citizens.
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Participating Teams
Alexander Hamilton High School
Alliance Alice M. Baxter College-Ready High School Animo Jackie Robinson Charter High School Animo Leadership Charter High School Animo Watts College Preparatory Academy Animo Westside Charter Middle School Bassett High School Boyle Heights STEM Magnet High School California Academy of Mathematics & Science Clinton Middle School Compton Early College High School Creanshaw High School Critical Design and Gaming School Crown Preparatory Academy Culver City High School Dale Junior High Daniel R. Cameron Elementary Dr. Julian Nava Learning Academy Edwin Markham Middle School Foshay Learning Center George K Porter Middle School Glendora High School James A. Garfield Senior High School John C. Fremont High Schol STEAM Magnet |
John F. Kennedy High School
John Marshall High School John Muir Middle School John R Wooden HS JSTEM Academy King/Drew Magnet High School of Medicine & Science Knight High School LA Promise Charter High School LA Promise Charter Middle School Larchmont Charter School Lennox Math Science and Technology Academy Los Altos High School Maclay Middle School Magnolia Science Academy Bell Manual Arts High School Nava College Preparatory Academy New Village Girls Academy North Oconee High School Palmdale Learning Plaza Public Service Community School Diego Rivera Learning Complex Pulaski Heights Middle School Ramon C. Cortines School of Visual & Performing Arts Reseda High School |
Richard E Byrd Middle School
San Fernando High School San Fernando Institute of Applied Media SOAR (Students On Academic Rise) High School Southeast Middle School Starkville High School Sylmar Charter High School Topeka High School University High School Charter West Adams Prep HS William Workman High School Wilmington Middle School STEAM Magnet YouthBuild Charter School of California - CRCD Academy |